[TheList] Volunteer sirens

Shane Vickers senavick2 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 10:25:19 AEDT 2022

This one is interesting... stirred my interest to comment.

Many years a go, We had a stereo in the back ground and were able to 
talk normally around
it. Noise Control turned up which was surprising in itself as this was 
2pm not 2am.

I knew the neighbour concerned and asked he (the NCO) test with a sound 
meter at her boundary and if
any issues could be proved I would be very happy to comply.  No such 
meter was produced and I was
informed he would return with police if the compliant was raised again..

My father in law at the time was a screw at Parry prison and in uniform 
(he didn't suffer fools to well) and was disappointed I didn't invite 
him to the door to talk to the security office passing as a NCO as you 
term it...

There was no case to answer too this time but I didn't want the police 
in attendants either... They sure had
better things to do. I understand he has a job to do but was not 
prepared to see facts either..
I could hear him knocking at the door from another floor in the house so 
it was not loud.....

Nice to read discretion is used, as it wasn't on this instance...

Noise control for a siren that is turned on to save lives... that makes 
no sense at all.
I hear the Silverdale siren from time to time wonder why its pulsed 
several times hope the call is not too
Gets me up to fire up comms if it goes off multipliable times.

They installed a monster of a siren with voice for Tsunami alert not far 
from me.. If we get woken by that
then they really have reason to call Noise Control LOL it is incredibly 

Shane.. going back into passive reading mode now.

------ Original Message ------
From: "DogSecurity - Richard" <richard at dogsecurity.co.nz>
To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz
Sent: 28/02/2022 11:35:07 am
Subject: Re: [TheList] Volunteer sirens

>Until recently I'd been doing noise control for many many years.. we 
>were always told that we wouldn't be sent to jobs for that. The noise 
>is measured by highly scientific tools called Left ear and Right ear 
>(not by decibel measuring equipment - who knows where the idea came 
>from that we'd use those, it isn't practical for starters) and so 
>usually by time we arrived, the noise would have stopped.. and in any 
>case we use our discretion. However it's subjective... in my eyes a bar 
>playing loud music at 2am is no different to a tractor outside someones 
>House at 2am. The tractor isn't as loud as the bass, they're two 
>different types of noise... but to me both would still get a direction 
>issued. Others would see that, well... you chose to live near a 
>bar/farm.. that's your issue.
>Local councils follow the RMA law, there's no law saying sirens are 
>exempt or not exempt. There's no requirement for us as NCOs to follow 
>how the councils themselves specifically want to do things either. 
>Huntly and Ngaruawahia weren't silenced at night. I'm temporarily in 
>Rangiora and it is.
>Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse my brevity, punctuation and 
>On 28 February 2022 10:19:50 am NZDT, Brendan Sheehy 
><shiters_r_us at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Some still activate some are set on a delay timer.
>>Get Outlook for Android <https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
>>From: TheList <thelist-bounces at radiowiki.org.nz> on behalf of Radio 
>>Engineering <radio.restorations at gmail.com>
>>Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 10:15:48 AM
>>To:thelist at radiowiki.org.nz <thelist at radiowiki.org.nz>
>>Subject: [TheList] Volunteer sirens
>>Just a question that came up in discussion a few days ago.
>>It was suggested that volunteer fire sirens around NZ are now silenced 
>>at night due to local council noise bylaws.
>>It has been ten years since I lived in a small rural town which had a 
>>volunteer station so I don't know if their siren still goes off at 
>>night or not.
>>What's the situation? Is this correct?
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