[TheList] Police VHF linking

Brendan Sheehy shiters_r_us at hotmail.com
Tue May 12 16:02:06 AEST 2020

Hi Darryl

This is patched to the Dunedin dispatchers desk when and out of district unit with no Digital radios installed is in the Canterbury area.

Only the Dunedin dispatcher will hear the unit on the old analogue channels and anyone scanning them will too, Dunedin will not hear them.

This is all done at the dispatchers desk via the IPICS application.



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From: Darryl Healy<mailto:darryl0768healy at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 May 2020 5:54 PM
To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz<mailto:thelist at radiowiki.org.nz>
Subject: [TheList] Police VHF linking

Hi listers

I live in the lovely city of Timaru and today something that has never happened before happened.

An old police VHF channel and current rural Fire channel livened up with police comms chatter...

It seems the radios in Dunedin have been linked in such a way that I am hearing Dunedin comms on 75.4500mhz.
It shows as the old Timaru CH1 and is a current rural fire channel that they refer to as the Lyttelton channel.

Much to my delight it's a pleasant surprise but I'm not expecting it to last long before they change their shift configurations etc.

The downside to this is I can only hear comms call, no units. All in all I'm not complaining about it as its busy down there today.

Does anybody have any further knowledge on how the radio linking works? I understand police share a platform with fire but how is Dunedin Comms linked up to Timaru? Could it be an extra plug on a National Fire dispatch desk as I understand they're based in one location for the entire south island, or could it be an extra plug in on a police comms desk which an extra plug could have been crossed by mistake. (I'm not sure if there is one or 2 police comms locations for the South Island).

Those in Christchurch and wider Canterbury should scan their fire frequencies to see if this is the same in wider Canterbury or even perhaps the south island. Although it is only the Dunedin channel, not Central Otago or Oamaru.

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