[TheList] Trunking

Chris H - RadioWiki radiowiki at archnetnz.com
Fri Feb 9 08:15:22 AEDT 2018

Hey ya. 

Honestly following all the Akaroa requests and answers over the last few
weeks it sounds like Akaroa is in a black hole for RF and Scanning.. 
The amount of traffic that would exist there sounds like its only when
something is happening there........ 
Perfect place for listening and transmitting HF though..  

I guess an IP remote controlled scanner in a better location streaming
(encrypted and private) over the internet might be a better option if
you want to listen to Anything.  

On 2018-02-08 17:56, Tim Devaney wrote:

> Hi 
> Thanks so much for the answers. Any idea of a Trunked system I can listen to in akaroa. Trying to find one but no luck  
> Tim  
> On 8 Feb. 2018 17:53, "Scan CHCH" <scanchch at gmail.com> wrote:
> RSM shows that frequency as TeamTalk @ Mt Pearce. 99% sure that is one of their MPT1327 Traffic channels relating to either ActionNet or Fleetlink systems. If it was the control channel you wouldn't hear any voice as it sounds like a machine gun and is solely a data channel gives the channel grants. Unfortunately there is no commercial scanner available that can trunktrack MPT1327. You can use a program like Unitrunker with the DVB-T dongle that you purchased but as far as your 996T goes it won't follow the conversations.  
> Fire CHCH  frequencies listed on the Wiki are correct. The reason they don't work for you is coverage. Akaroa Fire don't use the Fire CHCH channel for that very reason. They operate on the Ex Police Analog Central Canterbury Channel. The frequency for that will be around 75mhz. Best time to find out would be when they have been turned out. Once you find it you will hear almost zero police chatter on it as its only used for visiting units to the district that don't have a digital radio installed in their vehicle and you will only hear fire appliances from the Central and North Canterbury areas that have been turned out and responding to incidents.  
> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 5:34 PM, Tim Devaney <timdevaneynz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all 
> So I'm learning how to program my 996t trunking scanner I have no idea what I'm doing I have a frequency which is 417.6625 
> I'm guessing this is the control channel I programmed it in I can hear people talking generally one way and it makes funny noises at the end of the conversation I've tried programming it and as a system but I need tgid can anyone explain this to me I'm in Akaroa also if anybody knows the Christchurch fire frequency that I can pick up in Akaroa would be great I have tried the ones on radiowiki but they don't seem to work I really want to learn how to get the full potential out of my scanner but it's all of the above my head thanks kindly. 
> Cheers  
> Tim 
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