[TheList] Waikato AOS incident

Tristin Davis tristindavis at windowslive.com
Sun Aug 13 16:40:23 AEST 2017

"It would seem then that Waikato cops have radios (perhaps not issued to everyone) which have digital capability."

Yes that is correct. Specialist groups have had access to digital radios nationwide since 2008.

"NZP’s specialist groups nationwide were successfully migrated to the new digital network in late 2008."


new Zealand Police - Tait Communications<https://www.taitradio.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/90934/85_New-Zealand-Police_WEB.pdf>
www.taitradio.co Tai Limited 012 CS-85-230609.90 THE CUSTOMER The New Zealand Police (NZP) employs more than 10,000 staff around the country and uses a variety of ...

From: TheList <thelist-bounces at radiowiki.org.nz> on behalf of DogSecurity - Richard <richard at dogsecurity.co.nz>
Sent: 13 August 2017 18:01
To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz
Subject: Re: [TheList] Waikato AOS incident

I believe Eagle (at least one) do have an ESA band radio, although at one point they had two choppers, one black one was marked, wonder if that's still the case - might explain why they weren't using the channel.   I'd say the unit you heard was probably one of the AOS guys before he got geared up (but had his gear with him) could also have been DCC or an Alpha.  I know MOX is an AOS member.

I wasn't listening last night so didn't hear all the excitement.

On 13/08/17 17:49, Radio Solutions wrote:
Spent a few hours listening to all this unfold last night, just after midnight. For those who aren't aware of it, the cops were chasing a late model Commodore for failing to stop after it was seen doing 90 in a 50 k area.
They followed it to the outskirts of Morrinsville, where it stopped and the driver got out and pointed what is believed to be an AK-47 at them and started letting off rounds. The photos on the news sites show the squad car windscreen peppered with bullet holes.
During all of this they called Eagle in, but were having problems communicating with the helo and at one stage one of the senior cops said to another one that he was going to set up coms with Eagle on 'encrypted channel F11'.
It would seem then that Waikato cops have radios (perhaps not issued to everyone) which have digital capability.
It is the first time I have ever heard a cop calling 'ten-ten' (and calling it multiple times) on the radio and I hope I never hear it again.
It would seem that if Eagle does have an analog radio with all the North Island channels programmed, it obviously wasn't working properly.
In a situation like this, reliable coms is imperative. At one stage the Waikato channel locked up (probably a link-line issue) and was unusable for about 5 minutes.
I take my hat off to the bravery of these guys who put their lives on the line every day in front of loose units with guns.

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