[TheList] Police response times on a Saturday night( well the list is quiet)

Chris H radiowiki at archnetnz.com
Tue Sep 6 11:33:27 AEST 2016


No they don't.. and the dispatchers don't care... 

I called 111 for
a male assaults female on the side of the road, spent about 20 minutes
on hold - I had angled my car to block the street, hazards on... 

on the phone, I saw a cop pull out of a side street about 50 - 100
meters up the road, and turn right, I was left to him.. 

He drove on..

While the assault was taking place - I guess he had a cronut or a
speeder to get.. 

Safer communities together is their motto - but don't
go out on your own to do anything about what's happening in your
community - leave that up to us. 

US - being the largest legal gang in
the country - and you know what gangs do, they protect their own, cover
up criminal activity and wear patches. 
They wonder why no one has
respect for them any more.... take a look at yourselves, why would the
public respect you - if you don't respect the public. 

It's a corrupt
department of liars, abusers of power, and a big black hole where money
is poured into, only in the name of 'traffic safety' 

I would vote for
any political party who splits the department back up to Traffic and
Policing, show the public where the money is actually being spent...

Because clearly its not being spent on policing.... OH and these guys
want to carry guns... do you trust them to do that? 

On 05/09/2016
03:12 PM, RayC wrote: 

>> About 5 years ago i had a need to track a car
that did a burn out leaving the neighbours house 
>> and just missed my
work van by a whisker when the lost control. 
>> On ringing the Timaru
police station the call was answered without delay. 
>> The Policeman
said i will ask the cars where they are now. One car is out north he
said and so i will get them 
>> to look around Washdyke and see what
they can pick up. Job done to perfection. 
>> Now 5 years later on
the same call to the Timaru station rang thru ok, then i heard the call
>> transferred and i waited a further 4 mins to get answered by
the CHCH call taker. 
>> I told her that a White Skyline with Gold rims
was doing burnouts in Holmglen st and that i witnessed it from my
kitchen window. 
>> She asked many questions for about another 4 mins
and said she will pass it to the dispatcher desk. 
>> I was xferred by
phone and i waited another 4mins. The call was answered by the Central
comms dispatcher in the NI. 
>> I told them about what had happened and
the dispatcher admitted the did not know the SI geography 
>> and would
xfer me back to the CHCH dispatcher desk as it was more relevant. 
After a long wait of about 6 minutes i was answered by NI Central Comms
call taker this time , i said my complaint is recorded 
>> i just want a
car to keep a lookout around Washdyke tonight. 
HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. I said no as i have been getting the run around for
the last 20 mins on the phone. 
>> She said i will email the CHCH
dispatcher , i said you WILL EMAIL THE dispatcher, when will they see it
i asked. 
>> If they are busy it could be a while as 111 calls have
priority and Saturday is a busy night. 
>> At stage i just gave up and
told them to forget it, i was in no mood for further run around. 
How can this new system be better than the old manned station counter in
towns and cities. 
>> Does the Government Ministers realise the farcical
situation we have in place now.

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