[TheList] ***SPAM*** Re: Civil Defence frequencies and usage

StatusTenZero StatusTenZero at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 09:16:51 AEST 2016

Canterbury CD used a few of their frequencies during the quakes, mostly 
for communicating between their response centres, with the odd rescue 
team as well.

Their procedures were nothing less than abysmal, they really need to up 
their training in this.  Or probably a better idea, enlist a few hams to 
help out as required.

Just simple stuff like telling the guy running the net that he's barely 
audible would help a lot.

The only other time they seem to have any activity is when they're 
having an exercise.  I believe the local council channels may also be of 
use as they're responsible for providing a lot of CD functions.

I've got them stored in a spare bank, but unless there's something on, 
they're silent.


On 27/08/2016 10:35 PM, Chris wrote:
> Hello,
> Just a bit curious as to the amount of activity on the Civil Defence frequencies and their usage.
> When they get used, how they get used, in what conditions do they get activated.
> Any one in Christchurch - during the earthquakes and aftermaths did they get used much, or did each agency tend to use their own networks and infrastructure.
> This could apply nation wide, but more interested in particular to Wellington and Auckland.
> (Have they or will they go Digital)
> There are a lot of repeater and simplex frequencies listed, but what would be better to listen to or have a radio on to get the critical info in the event of it being activated.
> I know SAR use HF, but do Civil Defence too??
> Any info would be really helpful
> Thanks in advance,
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