[TheList] Bugger me it just gets worse.....

Shane Vickers nivick at clear.net.nz
Mon Dec 27 09:46:34 AEDT 2010

Does any of the media hype do any good really?

This gets me to thinking...My partner and I were sitting in McD's in Orewa
recently and she let out a few words that 
made me take note..

We were watching a family group stopping for a smoke and a feed before
carrying on up north with interest.

Grandma had a child a sleep in her arms and bought her into the store while
she got her feed and puffed her smoke over the child..as if that wasn't bad
enough...then we watch as she gets back a car already packed with enough
booze to support a bottle store two more kids and two parents and puts a
seat belt on her self and continues to hold the infant in her arms
completely unrestrained as they took off to continue the cramped trip

Just got to hope the little one makes it safely... at least this time.

-----Original Message-----
From: thelist-bounces at radiowiki.org.nz
[mailto:thelist-bounces at radiowiki.org.nz] On Behalf Of Neill Ellis
Sent: Monday, 27 December 2010 11:25 a.m.
To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz
Subject: Re: [TheList] Bugger me it just gets worse.....

I agree, spare the rod, spoil the child.

For example, when I started work, if I dissed the boss it was outside 
and thud... I knew. You only did it once.

The old man used whatever... Wooden spoon, rolling pin, jug cord, half 
brush, piece of hose... just to name a few. Yet I survived ok and give 
Police, my boss & my parents the respect they deserve.

As for not being on topic... Bite me! :-)


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