[TheList] non vehicle non handheld fleetlink ?

Gary Lowndes gary at flightpath.co.nz
Tue Nov 3 08:14:41 AEDT 2009

We've identified a need for someone who will be dropped off to work 
(i.e. no vehicle) for 3 or 4 hours at a time in various out of the way 
places to have a fleetlink radio.  They'll be in pretty ropey signal 
areas at times so we don't think a handheld will cut it.

Giving them a proper vehicle radio isn't a problem, a car battery to 
power it is easily done, can anyone give sage advice about an aerial ?

My own knowledge in this area can be summed up as "mag mount aerials 
work a lot better with a large metal object e.g. a car under them". I 
remember many moons ago our radio expert used to duct tape a baking tray 
to the roof of our fibreglass campervan to stick the aerial to, would 
something that simple do the trick ?


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