[TheList] Government RFP's & Tenders for P25 are out for all emergency services.

Mike Trump mtrump at orcon.net.nz
Tue Jan 12 19:11:43 AEDT 2021

Hardly surprising given the latest leaks over in Tasmania and NSW, 
regarding people that called an Ambulance or had the Fire Brigade at 
their house in the last 9 months, had their details put up on a website 
for all to read, some of it was quite sensitive information, like mental 
health stuff.

As much as I hate the idea that my Sel-Call decoder may no longer work, 
Fire & Emergency really needs to get on a better platform than what it 
is currently using.

In the same vein, has anyone here bought a digital scanner, recently, 
that didn't cost them an arm and a leg and their second child as well to 
import here?

Also, if you guys have them, what are you owning?, I can't really see 
F&E going encrypted, I'm pretty sure Ambo's already are, I could be 
wrong too.

I looked at buying a desktop scanner from the US and the more I thought 
about it, it had more cons than pro's, although I could be convinced 
that this could be a thing to do, possibly.

What are you guys thoughts?

Take care,

Mike Trump.

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