[TheList] Selcal again

DogSecurity - Richard richard at dogsecurity.co.nz
Thu May 11 12:05:19 AEST 2017

That depends on if you are you trying to decode standard 5tone selcall? Or 13tone that the fire service use? 

13tone isn't a standard selcall format. 5tone is, and can be decoded by software but usually only do the first 5digits...not the status with it, or fully decoded by certain RTs (Taits do this quite easily) there are also different standards of 5tone, ie CCIR 20 milliseconds, ZVEI etc.  CCIR 20ms is the most common.  Ambulance etc use this (although used less now that they are doing status updates through the Tablet where possible)  Forestry do things differently, but use CCIR 40ms I think .  

The reason you need to know who you're decoding is because the tone frequencies are different for the different formats.  You can even have a user definable format, where you pick the tones for the numbers 0 to 9, and A to F.   The 

One example I'll give is for a fictional ambulance service.  The first two numbers are the type of vehicle, then the fleet number.  Two gaps then the status number.  IE we'll assume a paramedic is 99 and they're in vehicle 123 sending a status of 1 which in my example is Responding.  The paramedic RT sends 99123--1 .  Depending how it's set up, the comms centre radio then sends an acknowledgement back in the format of CommsCentre RadioID --0 (for acknowledged) so it could send back an acknowledgement of 01123--0.  If the Paramedic RT doesn't receive an acknowledgement, it will resend the Responding 5tone for a programmable amount of time and then give up, throwing an error on the Paramedics screen. 

In the above example, software may only decode 5 tones, it will not decode the status that follows, ie in the above example you can decode the paramedic and his ID number, and the comms centre ID number (99123 and 01123 respectively - see why it's called 5tone?) but not the --1 and --0 status tones so you won't know what the paramedic status or the acknowledgement status.  If you are trying to decode the 13tone NZFS stuff, the good luck, basically, neither software nor RTs can decode this correctly.  

There's the tone decoder by Anzac Comms that I wanted to get hold of, for doing NZFS, unfortunately I haven't got one. 

Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse my brevity, punctuation and spelling.

On 11 May 2017 12:01:44 PM NZST, Catherine Sayer <sayerfamilynz at gmail.com> wrote:
>Could someone improve my knowledge of Selcall and the need for hardware
>decoders please. Do we not have enough processing power in today’s PCs
>to be able to decode Selcall tones via a software option through a
>sound card, or is this not possible (and why)?
>Welcome your input.
>Daryl Sayer
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>Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Selcall Decoders (Craig Molloy)
>Message: 1
>Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 18:05:03 +1300
>From: Craig Molloy <phantomdb at gmail.com>
>To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz
>Subject: Re: [TheList] Selcall Decoders
><CAHJsxhjLmWKOQ5o3+KgYf56zZ1ZgCw8nZ=ygR-1xfdSuosM9Dw at mail.gmail.com>
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>I would say abc
>On 24 Feb 2017 6:44 pm, "kim gyton" <gytonk at gmail.com> wrote:
>thanks craig but for me is that starting with abc or xyz
>kim Gyton
>AREINZ / Auctioneer
>Rural Property International Sales
>021728408 <021%20728%20408>
>On 24 February 2017 at 13:26, Craig Molloy <phantomdb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Get a vhf Tait and select the required format in the profile. And it
>> display on the screen. Or output via serial
>> On 24 Feb. 2017 12:05 pm, "Phil W" <philip.walker at outlook.com> wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> It looks like ANZAC comms will no longer be making their Selcall
>>> Is there an alternative?
>>> Or does someone have a circuit diagram that I could use to attempt
>>> make one myself?
>>> Thanks heaps!
>>> Phil.
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