[TheList] Pager

nino2678 nino2678 at slingshot.co.nz
Thu Sep 17 19:28:28 AEST 2015

What I've noticed is a lot more DMR users coming online in Auckland 
region. Few talkgroups encrypted but most of them are in the clear. 
Seems to be two main trunking DMR systems. TeamTalk system & Nexcomm 
Airport system.

About 80% of Auckland Ambos are now using the new TM9455 Mobile & 
portable units. My guess is they will probably join the Police trunking 
network with their own unencrypted talkgroups. Much like Operational 
Support are doing at the moment.


To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz
 From: richard at dogsecurity.co.nz
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 20:21:42 +1200
Subject: Re: [TheList] Pager

The beauty of being a wiki, rather than a page like the old NZScanners 
is it's easy for users to add/edit/delete old frequencies.  I'm keeping 
the Waikato area up to date as I come across things.  I'd assume that 
there's not so many changes, or people aren't scanning around the bands 
as often, down there.

One thing I've noticed, is with the narrowband changeover happening for 
people under 470MHz on the 1st of November (and above 470 on December 
2019)  a lot of people are going digital, and quite a few are encrypting 
too.  A lot of people are listening to the emergency services, Police 
are already digital in Auckland, Wellington/Masterton and CHCH.  St John 
Ambos are moving to digital shortly, a good majority of the St Johns 
Ambos on the road are already running TM9000 series which are digital 
capable.  I can't recall if they're 9355s (DMR - most likely, but memory 
is hazy) or 9400 series (P25)   Once the repeaters are changed over, 
it's just a simple reprogram of each RT.  Not sure what Fire are up to, 
but Auckland has gone to UHF.

Richard / Z-master

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