[TheList] UBCD396XT Uniden Scanner is now running

gklm gklm at slingshot.co.nz
Tue Aug 21 11:55:56 AEST 2012

For EDACS systems, try this:

1. Park the scanner on the control frequency.
2. Open the squelch completely - the scanner will stay quiet and display
3. When a transmission on the system occurs, the conversation will be handed
off to an allocated channel (frequency) within that system. The scanner will
follow it and the squelch will open.
4. Make a note of all the different frequencies you see. Do this at a busy
time of day for the network to lessen the time it takes to determine all
5. For EDACS, you can 'guess' the LCN values. First, perhaps try assigning
LCNs in line with ascending frequency.  You'll see that you will guess one
or two correctly whilst the others switch channels and are silent, meaning
youv'e got it wrong.
6. Next step is look for patterns and correlations between the LCNs you have
correct versus the incorrect ones, Like a puzzle, look for the 'gap' between
the correct LCN/frequency combination and see if you can plug those gaps
with the incorrect frequencies.

I was able to determine the entire Team Talk EDACS network assignments using
this method (here in Auckland that is.)

There are other methods you can use too, like using two scanners etc.

Good luck!

  -----Original Message-----
  From: thelist-bounces at radiowiki.org.nz
[mailto:thelist-bounces at radiowiki.org.nz]On Behalf Of Shane Vickers
  Sent: Monday, 20 August 2012 20:19
  To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz
  Subject: Re: [TheList] UBCD396XT Uniden Scanner is now running

  Little more work needed for EDACs trunking, the voice frequency
information is not transmitted in the control channel

  On 20/08/2012 11:10 a.m., Marc Archbold wrote:

    Get your 396xt to do the work of identifying trunk control channels -
configure your search for control channel only.  The scanner will identify
type and display it and then give you the option of saving it in the dynamic

    On Aug 19, 2012 10:55 AM, "RayC" <rcolvill at paradise.net.nz> wrote:

      The one i purchased a week ago is now up and running with about 200
hundred analogue frequencies in 7 systems.

      Reception is as good as the Yupiteru mvt900M3.5

      10 different tone alerts and light colours plus flashing fast or slow
is interesting.

      As i said proscan trial seems to work fine and you can program while
watching the scanner working in the top row,
      butel arcxt pro is also ok but scanning display on the program is on
another  page. Freescan is todays homework.

      Better bound book, wallet card and USB programming cable has arrived
from www.scannermaster.com after
      about 10 days travelling. The Uniden  serial cable is working fine
with a DSE  XH8290  USB-Serial adaptor on
      com port 5.

      Will try the remote head unit soon. Close call has found many hits
that i am including in the programming.

      Have listened to digital police channels but having trouble
programming trunking to cover it permanently, i am
      listening to the voice channels, but working on locating the master
control channel.

      Anyone with control channel info and frequencies on any Firm would be
gratefully received.

      Currently using the yuppie to find control data buzzing and the trying
to write it down, then place the Uniden in
      digital mode to get the data.  found local encrypted you know who
transmitter with site id of SID 0236h-20
      with a NAC of 232 and 23D and the frequencies around it

      Crappy cold foggy day in Timaru, so will do a bit more on it.


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