[TheList] Plan Change 74 Telecommunications Structures

Chris Hellyar chris at logicalit.biz
Sat Apr 14 09:38:54 AEST 2012

On 14/04/12 09:15, Neill Ellis wrote:
> I'd love to be able to answer that with my actual full opinion, 
> however it would be totally inappropriate for me to do so.

As is sooo often the case. ;-)

> In this case I'm not aware of a lynch mob trying to get rid of all the 
> aerials. In fact various organisation support the fight. It has been 
> overheard being said "Think a Bureaucrat amok and a council that just 
> ignorantly follows that persons lead".

Having spent 8 years with local government in a past job this is 
unfortunately a reality of how the sector functions.

The political process is subverted/diverted/perverted by groups of 
individuals influencing policy and decision processes without clear 
mandate  or consultation, even with or from those directly affected.

Quite often this influence comes from within the council business ranks 
which is manifestly wrong.  Additionally it is often people with no long 
term interest or view of the communities affected but rather a career or 
personal motivation.

There are examples of this all over the NZ civic landscape.  The people 
who best understand the system and process get the outcome they desire 
and the public are left bobbing in the wake wondering exactly what just 


Cheers, Chris H.

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