[TheList] Air Traffic

michael osborne mikeosborneno1 at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 27 10:57:33 AEST 2010

hi phil,


sounds like you might have "sick" scanner , out where you are you should be receving all aircraft siginals !!!!!!  (both sides ) are you using a rubber duck antenna ? or a teloscopic antenna? , or some times with cheap antennas  the center pin  is 2.5mm  where it should be 2.1mm  so you may not be getting all of the siginal, suggest a discone  antenna for home use (diamond dj130 is a good one  and good coaxila cable  (i use lmr 240) .


perhaps other scanner users in your area could check it out for you  , or take it to the com-center !! for a check (i have never use uniden brand  for scanning  i found they overload with a good antenna ) in my view the aor 3000a  or 8200/mk 3 re the best )


hope this helps,



From: suckerpunchnz at hotmail.com
To: thelist at radiowiki.org.nz
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 13:41:28 +1300
Subject: [TheList] Air Traffic

Oh wow! Choice!
I'm thinking about going into scanning air traffic, once Police go digital.

But I need some help please?

What I'm wanting to do is pick up the air traffic comms from my house.
I live in Pukekohe...

Which is about a 40min drive from Auckland International Airport... 

I've got the freqs off the wiki, and every now and again I visit the airport and have a listen.
The trouble is, my Uniden 93XLT has trouble picking up the aeroplane transmissions even when they're in line of sight. The tower seems to be ok though.

If my 93xlt has trouble when I'm within 100's of metres of the planes, what can I go about doing, to pick the comms up from my house?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks heaps,

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