[TheList] Pike River coal mine explosion

Mark Robinson other at paradise.net.nz
Sun Nov 21 14:04:09 AEDT 2010

Crimes Act
204 Impeding rescue
        (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 
years who, without lawful justification or excuse, prevents or impedes or 
attempts to prevent or impede any person who is attempting to save his own life 
or the life of any other person.
        (2) No one is guilty of an offence against this section who does any 
such act as aforesaid in the course of saving his own life or the life of any 
other person.

The Police need proof that a rescuer would die in order to prevent a rescue 
attempt being made. The assertion that they might be in danger is insufficient.

They appear to be breaching other similar provisions on the act as well.

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