Ambulance Callsign Types

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ID (Pager ID) Type Description
(1-19) & (31-39) Front-line Ambulance At least one EMT is required for the vehicle to be a Transport Ambulance
(21-29) Patient Transfer Service Non-Response (Primarily Single Crewed EMT)
(81-89) Events Car Event attendance for First Aid (FR/EMT) Sometimes Higher requirement is specifically requested
(91-99) Events Ambulance Event attendance for First Aid (FR/EMT) Sometimes Higher requirement is specifically requested
(*) Other Callsign Numbers Echo, Hotel, Mike, Papa, Romeo, RTH, Tango uses a number based on the region/district, e.g. ECHO20, HOTEL20 and MIKE20 in Auckland. This does not apply in Wellington for WFA. District numbers appear to be 1* - Northland, 2* - Auckland, 3* - East (of Central North area), 4* - West (Of Central North area), 5* - Central South, 6* - Tasman/Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast, 7* - Canterbury, 8* Otago/Southland
A Air Ambulance Helicopter


DELTA Clinical Coach Vehicle iLoad or similar usually Response Capable.
ECHO First-Response and Paramedic Back-up Front-line Response Vehicle (CCP)
FRU or FR or FRG First Response Unit Usually a Volunteer Vehicle
GOLF Operational Support Vehicle Vehicles that are assigned to support Ambulance service vehicles and equipment (TBC)


HELIMED Northland Air Ambulances
HOTEL Air Ambulance Rapid Response Vehicle
MIKE TBC Group Operations Manager/Watch Operations Managers
MIST Major Incident Support Team Supports responses at major incidents
NOEC National Operations Effectiveness Centre
OMEGA Surge Ambulance TBC
OSCAR Watch Operations Manager Team Manager - responsible for leading the shift, they do not usually first respond to incidents.


PAPA Bariatric Ambulance
PD PRIME Doctor/Nurse
RTH Remote Telehealth Telehealth
ROMEO Extended Care Paramedic Appear to attend non-urgent home-based calls
SIERRA (SERA) Acute Patient Management Front-line Response Vehicle (Paramedic/ICP)
TANGO (TGO) First-Response and Paramedic Back-up Front-line Response Vehicle (ICP) (or CCP in a vehicle that is not ECHO capable)
UNIFORM (UNFRM) TBC Poss ex SUP callsigns?


WPAC Westpac Air Ambulance Auckland