Ambulance Chief Complaint Codes: Difference between revisions

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(12 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 50: Line 50:
03D03 Chest or Neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
03D03 Chest or Neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
03D04 Dangerous Body Area
03D04 Dangerous Body Area
03D05 large Animal
03D05 Large Animal
03D06 Exotic Animal
03D06 Exotic Animal
03D07 Attack or multiple animals
03D07 Attack or multiple animals
Line 63: Line 63:
04B02 Serious Haemorrhage
04B02 Serious Haemorrhage
04B03 Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
04B03 Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
04D00  ?? Override
04D01 Unconscious or Arrest
04D01 Unconscious or Arrest
04D02 Not alert.
04D02 Not alert.
Line 113: Line 114:
07D02 Unconscious or Arrest
07D02 Unconscious or Arrest
07D03 Non alert
07D03 Non alert
07D04 Difficulty speaking between breaths
07D04 Burns Not Alert
07D05  ?? Burns Diff Speaking
07D05  Burns Difficulty Speaking

Line 143: Line 144:
R = Radiological
R = Radiological
S = Suicide Attempt (CO)
S = Suicide Attempt (CO)
T = ????
U = Unknown
U = Unknown
Line 381: Line 383:

F = Referred by Fire  
B = ???
F = Referred by Fire
M = ???

Line 434: Line 438:
25B06  Unknown status (3rd party)
25B06  Unknown status (3rd party)
25C01  ?? Altered LOC HX MH
25C01  ?? Altered LOC HX MH
25C02  ?? Altered LOC No Hx
25C03  Altered LOC Ingestion
25C03  Altered LOC Ingestion
25D01 Not Alert
25D01 Not Alert
Line 448: Line 453:
T = ?? Threat
T = ?? Threat
V = Violent
V = Violent
W = ???

Line 489: Line 495:
27A01  Non-recent single peripheral wound (>6hrs)
27A01  Non-recent single peripheral wound (>6hrs)
27B00  ???
27B00  ??Override
27B01 non-recent (>6hrs) single central wound
27B01 non-recent (>6hrs) single central wound
27B02 Single peripheral wound
27B02 Single peripheral wound
Line 522: Line 528:
28C06 Sudden loss of balance
28C06 Sudden loss of balance
28C10  Breathing normal, <35
28C10  Breathing normal, <35
28C11  Breathing normally >35
28C12  ??  
28C12  ??  

G = ??
G = ?? Weakness / Numbness
K = Clear Evidence, <X hours
K = Clear Evidence, <X hours
L = Less than X hrs
L = Less than X hrs
Line 617: Line 624:
=== Unknown Problem (Man Down) ===
=== Unknown Problem (Man Down) ===
32B00  Unknown Problem
32B01  Standing, sitting, moving or talking
32B01  Standing, sitting, moving or talking
32B02 Medical Alert notifications
32B02 Medical Alert notifications
Line 622: Line 630:
32B04  Unknown Problem (ESL Caller)
32B04  Unknown Problem (ESL Caller)
32D01 Life status questionable
32D01 Life status questionable
F = Referred by Fire

Revision as of 11:39, 23 July 2024

ProQA is the code sent to Ambulances to describe the job they are going to. The Contents page Index matches the 1st 2 digits of the code

Some jobs do not use a ProQA code and instead have a code from the RESP, RESPA, ECP or HCP code list below.

Abdominal Pain/Problems

01A01	Abdominal Pain
01C01	Suspected aortic aneurysm (tearing/ripping pain) >50
01C02	Known aortic aneurysm
01C03	Faint/Near faint >50
01C04	Females faint/near faint 12-50
01C05	Males pain above navel >35
01C06	Females pain above navel >45
01D01	Not Alert
01D02   ?? Ashen/Grey Colour >50

Allergies (reactions) / Envenomations (stings, bites)

02A01	No Dyspnoea
02A02	Spider bite (no priority symptoms)
02B01	Unknown status/other codes not applicable
02C01	Dyspnoea
02C02	History of severe allergic reaction
02C03	Minor Jellyfish Sting
02D01	Not alert
02D02	Difficulty speaking between breaths
02D03	Swarming attack (bee, wasp)
02D04	Snakebite
02D05	Funnel Web Spider
02D06	Major Jellyfish sting
02E01	Ineffective Breathing

I = Injection
M = Medication

Animal Bites/Attacks

03A01	Not dangerous body area
03A02	Non-recent injuries (>6hrs)
03A03	Superficial bites
03B01	Possibly Dangerous Body Area
03B02	Serious Haemorrhage
03B03	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
03D01	Unconscious or Arrest
03D02	Not Alert.
03D03	Chest or Neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
03D04	Dangerous Body Area
03D05	Large Animal
03D06	Exotic Animal
03D07	Attack or multiple animals
03D09   Attack in Progress

Assault / Sexual Assault

04A01	Not dangerous body area
04A02	Non recent injuries (>6 hrs)
04B01	Possibly Dangerous Body Area
04B02	Serious Haemorrhage
04B03	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
04D00   ?? Override
04D01	Unconscious or Arrest
04D02	Not alert.
04D03	Chest or Neck injury (with difficulty breathing)
04D04	Multiple Victims

A = Assault
S = Sexual Assault
P = Police

Back Pain (Non-traumatic)

05A01	Non-traumatic back pain
05A02	Non-recent traumatic back pain (>6 hrs)
05C01	Suspected aortic aneurysm (tearing/ripping) >50
05C02	Known aortic aneurysm
05C03	Fainting or near fainting >50
05D01	Not Alert

Breathing problems

06C01  	Abnormal Breathing  		
06D01 	Non alert 	
06D02 	Difficulty speaking between breaths	
06D03 	Changing Colour
06D04 	Short of breath, Clammy/Cold sweats
06E01 	Ineffective Breathing 
A = Asthma
O = Other lung issue

Burns (scalds)/Explosion

07A01  	Burns <18%  	
07A02 	Fire Alarm ( Unknown Status) 	
07A03 	Sunburn or minor burns (<hand size)
07B00   Burns ??? 	
07B01 	Blast injuries (without priority symptoms)	
07B02 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller) 	
07C01 	Building fire - persons reported 	
07C02 	Dyspnoea	
07C03 	Burns >18% 
07C04 	Significant facial burns
07D01 	Multiple Victims	
07D02 	Unconscious or Arrest 	
07D03 	Non alert 	
07D04 	Burns Not Alert
07D05   Burns Difficulty Speaking

E = Explosion
F = Fire Present
W = Fireworks

Carbon Monoxide/Inhalation/Hazchem

08Ω01  	carbon monoxide detector alarm 
08B00   CO2/Inhalation/Hazardous 	
08B01 	Alert without dysphnoea	
08C01 	Alert with dysphnoea
08D01 	Unconscious or Arrest 		
08D02 	Not Alert 	
08D03 	Difficulty speaking between breaths
08D04 	Multiple victims 
08D05 	Unknown status (3rd party call)

B = Biological
C = Chemical 
G = Smell of Gas
M = CO
N = Nuclear
P = Referred by Police
R = Radiological	
S = Suicide Attempt (CO)
T = ????
U = Unknown	

Cardiac or Respiratory Arrest/Death

09B00   ?? Arrest
09B01  	Obvious Death Unquestionable (a-g)
09D01 	Ineffective Breathing 	
09D02 	Obvious or Expected Death questionable
09E01 	Respiratory arrest 	
09E02 	Breathing Uncertain (Agonal) 	
09E03 	Hanging 	
09E04 	Strangulation 	
09E05 	Suffocation 	
09E06 	Underwater 	
09O01 	Expected Death Unquestionable (x-y)

A = Cold and stiff in warm environment
B = Decapitation
C = Decomposition
D = Incineration
E = Non-recent death
F = Severe injuries obviously incompatible with life
G = Submersion (>6 Hrs)
P = Referred by Police
X = Terminal illness
Y = DNR order	

Chest Pain

10A01  	Breathing normally <35
10B00   Chest pain  	
10C01 	Abnormal breathing 	
10C02 	Cardiac History 	
10C03 	Abnormal breahting >35 	
10C04 	Breathing Normally >35 	
10D01 	Not alert 	
10D02 	Difficulty speaking between breaths 		
10D03 	Changing Colour
10D04 	Clammy/Cold sweats
10D05   Heart attack/Angina history
F = Referred by Fire
P = Referred by Police


11A01  	Not choking now  	
11D01 	Abnormal Breathing (Partial Obstruction) 	
11D02 	Not alert
11E01 	Verified/Ineffective Breathing (Complete obstruction)

C = Candy
F = Food
O = Object
M = Milk/Liquid (Non toxic)
U = Unknown

Convulsions/ Fitting

12A01  	Not seizing now and breathing regularly (verified)  	
12B01 	Breathing regularly, not verified <35 	
12C01 	Focal, not alert 	
12C02 	Diabetic 	
12C03 	Cardiac History 
12C04   Not fitting now, <6yrs	
12D01 	Not breathing (after key questions) 	
12D02 	Continuous or Multiple Fitting 	
12D03 	Irregular Breathing 	
12D04 	Breathing Regularly Not Verified >35
E = Epilepsy


13A01  	Alert  	
13C01 	Not Alert 	
13C02 	Abnormal Behaviour 	
13C03 	Abnormal Breathing 	
13D01 	Unconscious

C = Combative or Aggressive

Drowning (near)/Diving/Scuba Accident

14A01  	Alert and breathing normally (NO injuries or in water)  	
14B00   ?? Drowning/Dive/Scuba
14B01 	alert and breathing normally (injuries or in water) 	
14B02 	Unknown status (3rd party call) 	
14C01 	Near Drowning - Alert/SOB
14C02   Decompression Sickness
14D01 	Unconscious/Arrest
14D02 	Underwater Special Rescue 	
14D03 	Diving or Suspected Neck Injury 	
14D04 	Scuba Accident
14D05   Near Drowning - Not Alert
14D06   Suspected Neck Injury
14E01   Arrest - Out of Water
14E02   Underwater Non Specialist Rescue


D = ??
P = Referred by Police
W = ??


15C01  	Alert and breathing normally  	
15D01 	Unconscious 	
15D02 	Not disconnected from the power 	
15D03 	Power not off - hazard present 	
15D04 	Long Fall >6ft 	
15D05 	Not Alert 	
15D06 	Abnormal Breathing 	
15D07 	Unknown status (3rd party call) 
15D08 	?? Abnormal Breathing
15D09   ?? Unknown Status 	
15E01 	Not Breathing/Ineffective breathing

E = Electrocution

Eye Problems

16A01  	Moderate eye injuries  	
16A02 	Minor eye injuries/problems 	
16A03 	Medical eye Problem 	
16B01 	Severe eye injuries 	
16D01 	Not Alert

Falls/Back Injuries (Traumatic)

17A01  	Not dangerous injuries  	
17A02 	Not recent injuries (>6hrs)
17A03   Fall, not recent 	
17A04   Fall, Public assistance
17B00   Fall 
17B01 	Possibly Dangerous Body Area 	
17B02 	Serious Haemorrhage 	
17B03 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
17B04   Unknown Status
17D00   Fall, override 	
17D01 	Dangerous injuries 	
17D02 	Long fall >6ft 	
17D03 	Non alert 	
17D04 	Fall, Not alert
17D06   Long Fall (3-9M)
17O01   Not dangerous, distal body

E = Enviroment
F = Referred by Fire
G = Ground
P = Public place or referred by Police


18A01  	Normal breathing  	
18B01 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller) 	
18C01 	Not Alert 	
18C02 	Abnormal Breathing 	
18C03 	Speech problems 	
18C04 	Sudden onset of pain < 3hrs 	
18C05 	Numbness or paralysis 	
18C06 	Change in Behaviour <3hrs
L = Speech problems?

Heart Problems/A.I.C.D.

19A01 	Heart rate >50 and <130 (without priority symptoms)
19A02 	Chest Pain >35
19B01 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
19C01 	Firing of AICD
19C02 	Abnormal breathing
19C03 	Chest Pains >35
19C04 	Cardiac history
19D01   Heart problem, Not alert
19D04   Clammy/Cold sweats

Heat / Cold Exposure

20A01  	Alert (without priority symptoms)
20B01 	Change in skin colour
20B02 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
20C01 	Cardiac history
20D01 	Not Alert

C = Cold Exposure


21A01 	Not dangerous haemorrhage
21A02 	Minor haemorrhage
21B01 	Possibly Dangerous Haemorrhage
21B02 	Serious Haemorrhage
21B03 	Bleeding disorders or thinners
21C01 	Haemorrhage Through Tubes
21D01 	Dangerous haemorrhage, Arrest
21D02 	Non alert
21D03 	Not alert
21D04   Dangerous Haemorrhage

M = Medical
P = Referred by Police
T = ?? Trauma

Industrial / Machinery Accidents

22B00   ? Inaccessible/Entrapment
22B01  	Unknown Situation (not caught in machinery)
22D01 	Mechanical/Machinery - Life Status Questionable
22D02 	Caught in Machinery (Unknown Status)
22D03 	Multiple Victims
22D04   Confined Space
22D05   Inaccessible Terrain

B = ???
F = Referred by Fire
M = ???

Overdose / Poisoning (Ingestion)

23B01 	Overdose (without any priority Symptom)
23C01 	Violent (police must secure)
23C02 	Not Alert
23C03 	Abnormal Breathing
23C04 	Antidepressants
23C05 	Cocaine (or derivative)
23C06 	Narcotics (heroin)
23C07 	Acid or Alkali (lye)
23C08 	Unknown status (3rd party call)
23C09 	Poison control request response
23D01 	Unconscious
23D02 	Severe respiratory distress

A = Accidental
I = Intentional
P = Poisoning

Pregnancy / Childbirth / Miscarriage

24A01  	1st trimester haemorrhage or miscarriage
24B01 	Labour (delivery not imminent > 5 months / 20 weeks)
24B02 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
24C01 	2nd Trimester haemorrhage or miscarriage
24C02 	1st trimester serious haemorrhage
24D01 	Breech or Cord
24D02 	Head Visible / out
24D03 	Imminent Delivery (>5 months / 20 weeks)
24D04 	3rd trimester haemorrhage
24D05 	High Risk Complications
24D06 	Baby Born
24D07   Mum with complications

M = Multiple Births

Psychiatric / Suicide attempt

25A01  	Non-violent and non-suicidal
25B00   Psych episode/Suicidal
25B01 	Violent (Police must secure)
25B02 	Threatening Suicide
25B03 	Near Hanging, strangulation or suffocation (alert)
25B04 	Jumper
25B06   Unknown status (3rd party)
25C01   ?? Altered LOC HX MH
25C02   ?? Altered LOC No Hx
25C03   Altered LOC Ingestion
25D01 	Not Alert
25D02   ?? Unconcious
25D03   Near hanging/strangulation or suffocation (alert, breathing difficulty)
25D04   Dangerous Haemorrhage
25D06   Jumped Now

B = ??? 
C = ???
F = Referred by Fire 
P = Referred by Police
T = ?? Threat
V = Violent
W = ???

Sick Person (Specific Diagnosis)

26A01  	No priority symptoms
26A02 	Boils
26A03 	Bumps (non traumatic)
26A04 	Can't sleep
26A05 	Can't urinate
26A06 	Catheter (in/out without bleeding)
26A07 	Constipation
26A08 	Cramps / spasms (in extremities)
26A09 	Cut off ring request
26A10 	Deafness
26A11 	Defecation
26A12 	Earache
26A13 	Enema
26A14 	Gout
26A15 	Haemorrhoids / piles
26A16 	Hepatitis
26A17 	Hiccups
26A18 	Hungry
26A19 	Nervous
26A20 	Object stuck (nose, ear, vagina, rectum, penis)
26A21 	Object swallowed (without choking or difficulty in breathing can talk)
26A22 	Penis problem pain
26A23 	Rash / skin disorder
26A24 	Sore throat
26A25 	Toothache
26A26 	Transportation only
26A27 	Venereal Disease
26A28 	Wound infected (focal or surface)
26B01 	Unknown status (3rd party caller)
26C01 	cardiac history
26C02   Abnormal breathing
26D01 	Not Alert
26O05   Urinary retention

Stab / Gunshot / Penetrating Trauma

27A01  	Non-recent single peripheral wound (>6hrs)
27B00   ??Override
27B01 	non-recent (>6hrs) single central wound
27B02 	Single peripheral wound
27B03 	Serious Hemorrhage
27B04 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
27B05   Obvious Death
27D01   Arrest
27D02 	Unconscious
27D03 	Not Alert
27D04 	Central wounds
27D05 	Multiple wounds
27D06 	Multiple patients

G = Gunshot
I = Penetrating trauma
P = Referred by Police
S = Stabbing
X = Self Inflicted Gunshot
Y = Self Inflicted Stab

Stroke (CVA)

28A01  	Breathing Normally <35
28B01 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
28C01 	Not Alert
28C02 	Abnormal Breathing
28C03 	Speech or movement problems
28C04 	Numbness or Tingling
28C05 	Stroke History
28C06 	Sudden loss of balance
28C10   Breathing normal, <35
28C11   Breathing normally >35 
28C12   ?? 

G = ?? Weakness / Numbness
K = Clear Evidence, <X hours
L = Less than X hrs
U = ?? Unknown Status
X = ??

Traffic / Transportation Accidents

29A01 	1st party caller with injury to Not dangerous body area
29A02   No injuries reported (unconfirmed or >5 persons involved)
29B00   MVA
29B01 	MVA w/ injuries
29B02 	Serious Hemorrhage
29B03 	Other Hazards
29B04 	Low Mechanism
29B05   Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
29D01A 	Major Incident- Aircraft
29D01B 	Major Incident- Bus
29D01C 	Major Incident- Subway / Metro
29D01D 	Major Incident- Train
29D01E 	Major Incident- Watercraft
29D01F 	Major Incident- Multi-vehicle (>10) pileup
29D01G 	Major Incident- Street car/tram/light rail
29D01H 	Major Incident- Vehicle vs Building
29D02K 	High Mechanism - All terrain
29D02L 	High Mechanism - Vehicle vs bicycle/motorcycle
29D02M 	High Mechanism - Vehicle vs Pedestrian
29D02N 	High Mechanism - Ejection
29D02O 	High Mechanism - Personal Watercraft
29D02P 	High Mechanism - Rollovers
29D02Q 	High Mechanism - Vehicle off bridge/height
29D02R 	High Mechanism - Possible death at scene
29D02S 	High Mechanism - Sinking vehicle/Vehicle in floodwater
29D02T 	High Mechanism - Train/light rail vs pedestrian
29D03 	High Velocity Impact
29D04 	Hazmat
29D05 	Trapped victim
29D06   Arrest
29D07   Unconscious
29D08   Not alert with noisy breathing
29D09   Not alert with normal breathing

F = Referred by Fire
P = Referred by Police
U = Unknown number of patients
V = Multiple patients
X = Unknown number of patients and additional response required
Y = Multiple patients and additional response required

Traumatic Injuries (Specific)

30A01  	Not dangerous injuries
30A02 	Non-recent injuries (>6hrs)
30B00   Trauma
30B01 	Possibly dangerous body area
30B02 	serious haemorrhage
30D00   Traumatic, Life threatening, Override
30D01 	Arrest
30D02   Unconcious
30D03 	Not Alert
30D04 	Chest/Neck injury, Abnormal Breathing
30D05   High velocity impact

F = Referred by Fire
P= Referred by Police

Unconscious / Passing Out (Non-Traumatic)

31A01   Faint/Near faint, Alert, No cardiac history >35
31B01?  Unconcious/Fainted
31C01  	Alert with Abnormal Breathing
31C02 	Faint, Cardiac History >35
31C03 	Multiple fainting episodes
31C04 	single or near fainting episode and alert >35
31C05 	Females 12-50 with abdominal pain
31D01 	Unconscious (at end of interrogation)
31D02 	Severe respiratory distress
31D03 	Not alert, No sign of breath
31D04   Not alert
31E01 	Ineffective breathing (early despatch)

P = Referred by Police

Unknown Problem (Man Down)

32B00   Unknown Problem 
32B01  	Standing, sitting, moving or talking
32B02 	Medical Alert notifications
32B03 	Unknown Status (3rd party caller)
32B04   Unknown Problem (ESL Caller)
32D01 	Life status questionable

F = Referred by Fire

(35) Acute Admissions

35A01   EAS Referral for UCC attendance
35A02   GP Referral for UCC attendance
35A03   Nurse Referral for UCC attendance
35A04   Other Referral for UCC attendance
35A05   UCC Follow-up
35A06   Secondary Triage follow-up
35B01   Acute Admission (Doctor/Nurse Referral, pick up with 2 hours)
35C01   Acute Admission - Urgent (Doctor/Nurse Referral, potentially serious)
35D01   Acute Admission - Emergency (Doctor/Nurse Referral, life threatening)
35E01   Acute Admission Arrest

H = Healthline

(39) Active Shooter/Assailant

39E01   Active Shooter

C = Club
E = Explosive
G = Gun
K = Knife
M = Multiple
O = Other

(40) Airport / Fire / Police / Sar

40O01   Airport Standby
40D06   Air/Helipad Patient Transfer
40E01   Events - Non-charging
40E02	Events - Charging  
40E03	Airport Full Emergency
40E04   Police/Fire Standby
40E05   SAR/Beacon Search
40F01   UCC PC Home Visit
40F02   UCC PC Home Visit

(50) ????

50D04   Emergency Response Rostered

(60) Patient Transport Services

60A01   Air / Helipad Patient Transfer
60A02   Air / IHT Team / Equipment Transfer
60A03   Accident Transfer
60A04   ACC Secondary Transfer
60A05   Heli Transfer
60A06   Heli Transfer - Private
60B01	Medical Transfer
60B02   Staff Transfer
60B03   Maternity Transfer
60B04   ACC Secondary Transfer
60B05   Discharge
60B06   Private Hire
60B07   Appointment Transfer
60B08   Scheduled Patient Transfer Service

60C01   NTA Mobility Transfer (WFA)
60C02   Private Hire - Mobility Transfer (WFA)
60C03   PHO Mobility Transfer (WFA)
60C04   DHB Mobility Transfer (WFA)
60C05   AMB REF Mobility Transfer (WFA)
60C06   Residential Care Transfer (WFA)

60D01   Emergency Patient Transfer
60D02   Urgent Patient Transfer
60D03   Time Sensitive Patient Transfer
60D04   Road to Air Transfer
60E01   Events

(RESPA) Air Response Codes

RESPA    Air Response - Air Dispatch Only
RESPAIHT Air Response - Inter Hospital Transfer
RESPAIR  Air Response - Training
RESPAOTH Air Response - Other Air Tasking
RESPAPOL Air Response - Police Tasking
RESPAR   Air Response - Combined Road/Air
RESPARCC Air Response - Rescue Coordination Centre
RESPARRV Air Response - Heli Road Response Vehicle
RESPAW   Air Response - Air Rescue with Winch
RESPAWR  Air Response - Combined Road/Air with Winch

(RESP) Response Codes

RESP1    Cardiac Arrest
RESP2    Patient Life Threatening
RESP3    Patient Serious
RESP4    F2F Ambulance
RESP5    F2F Assess - 30mins
RESP6    F2F Assess - 60mins
RESP7    Non-Urgent
RESP8    Transport Request 1-4 hours

(ECP) Extended Care Paramedic Codes

ECP1    Life Threatening
ECP2    Urgent Dispatch < 20mins
ECP3    Urgent Dispatch < 30mins
ECP4    Non-Urgent Dispatch < 60mins
ECP5    Non-Urgent Dispatch < 90mins
ECP6    Non-Urgent Dispatch < 120mins
ECP7    Non-Urgent Dispatch < 180mins
ECP8    Follow Up Appointment

(HCP) Health Care Practitioner Referral Codes

HCP01    Life Threatening
HCP02    Time Critical - Urgent Dispatch < 20mins
HCP03    Time Critical - Urgent Dispatch < 30mins
HCP04    Time Sensitive - Non-Urgent Dispatch < 60mins
HCP05    Time Sensitive - Non-Urgent Dispatch < 90mins
HCP06    Non-Urgent Dispatch < 120mins
HCP07    Non-Urgent Dispatch < 120mins
HCP08    Transport Only